Topic: News

Why Failure is Good and Experimenting is Even Better

Why Failure is Good and Experimenting is Even Better

In my daily search for interesting opinions there was one article that really stood out to me this week. It was entitled “Visualize Failure” by Peter Bregman of the Harvard Business Review. It caught my eye because an article promoting failure is the last thing you would expect from a school that has educated some of the most successful people in the world. Even the idea itself of expecting failure seems so contrary to everything we learn from childhood to adulthood. However, in it’s simplicity it makes perfect complete sense.

In the article Bregman is discussing a kayaking trip in [...]


Stressed? How to Let It All Out

Stressed? How to Let It All Out

It’s been a rough week, possibly even a rough month. Some clients claim it’s been a rough few years! I’m not about to debate what constitutes rough, but I will say there are a whole bunch of people out there under a whole lot of stress. Some days there is no way around it, but there is always a way to handle it.

Ugh, another thing for my to do list. Maybe. The problem is that if you don’t deal with it, it accumulates in your body and that’s how a rough day can turn into a rough year. There’s [...]


It's All About Valuing Your Self Initiative

It's All About Valuing Your Self Initiative

Long, long ago there was a young woman who was afraid of taking initiative. She had lots of great ideas and quiet, with the ideas brewing inside of her which led to frustration.

That woman was me. If I could talk to her from where I stand marketing. He has started several companies. In a recent blog post he says:

“It’s so easy to get hung up on reacting to incoming, on working through a checklist and low-price of online tools makes that easier than ever.

The key difference between initiators and everyone else is the simple idea of posture. What do [...]


Why It's Good to Be Imperfect

Why It's Good to Be Imperfect

Perfectionism sucks you dry, plain and simple. I’ve been reading Apolo Anton Ohno’s book Zero Regrets: Be Greater Than Yesterday. I wasn’t surprised to learn that perfectionism is something that he struggled with in his sports career. To be successful you have to have the desire to work to your greatest ability, the problem lies in pushing yourself so far beyond your limits, that being perfect becomes a impediment to achieving what you want.

In Apolo’s words: “My personal best is good enough, as long as I’ve given it everything I’ve got. It’s too intense and appreciate all the stairs [...]


When It's All or Nothing

When It's All or Nothing

I used to be an all or nothing person and it became clear to me that there had to be another way.

I see this “all or nothing” syndrome all the time in my clients. It usually comes in two forms. The first are my clients who know exactly what they want and exhausted. They have no time or energy for what they really want. “All or nothing” is a good dream squelcher.

The good news is that there is a remedy. First and giving up too soon means we are stopping circumstances from working in our favor. This part takes [...]


What To Do When Everyone Says No

What To Do When Everyone Says No

There was a time in my life when I really cared about what everyone thought and safe thing for me.

It’s only natural. The brain was doing its job of making associations and doing what you love.

The first time I felt a shift in my thinking was when I heard my coach mentor, Martha Beck, talk about “everybody”. Your “everybody” is a small group of people (typically 5 or 6) who have large opinions about the right way to be, act, and think in the world. And when this group tells you no you believe it.

When you get an inkling [...]


The Snooze Alarm Effect

The Snooze Alarm Effect

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a morning person. I’ll always opt for the snooze alarm if possible. After hitting the snooze alarm, what’s next? Clients come to me saying they have no energy because they use it up all day every day at their jobs. When we talk about their day, I find most of them start their days the same. They wake up, rush to get themselves ready, shove down a small amount of food, and head out the door.

I can say from personal experience that the snooze alarm syndrome and day out. We [...]


It's an Inside Job

It's an Inside Job

We are a society of quick fixes and that it is a process.

The truth of the matter lies in looking at yourself. That’s the hardest part. Clients will come to me wanting to know what tests they can take to be told exactly what they should do and will save them a lot of time. The problem with that thinking is how you respond to a test may tell you what you are good at, but will never tell you what you really want. The people who have reached high levels of success have done so by following a [...]


What's Your Body Got To Do With It?

What's Your Body Got To Do With It?

In his book “The Tipping Point”, Malcolm Gladwell states that we make snap judgments all the time and generally are right on with our first instinct, which we then ignore. These judgments come from our mind, but our instinct is working from our body’s reaction to a certain situation, person, or environment. Most of the time we are not conscious of the fact that it is happening at all. If you can learn to tap into the instinct part that is making a decision for you, this is the first key to success in your career or business. To [...]


Choose Your Words Carefully

Choose Your Words Carefully

Here we are again at the very beginning of a New Year and every moment.

The result: an elevated sense of happiness and a huge surge in my business.

If you don’t have your own business and it won’t consume too much of your time.

It is as simple as this: Choose Your Words Carefully. We have been taught this in childhood by authority figures, but I’m not talking about social etiquette. I am talking about choosing words that will empower you to create and freedom.

How does it work? When you find yourself in a stressful situation at work instead of just [...]
