Tagged: careers

What's Your Body Got To Do With It?

What's Your Body Got To Do With It?

In his book “The Tipping Point”, Malcolm Gladwell states that we make snap judgments all the time and generally are right on with our first instinct, which we then ignore. These judgments come from our mind, but our instinct is working from our body’s reaction to a certain situation, person, or environment. Most of the time we are not conscious of the fact that it is happening at all. If you can learn to tap into the instinct part that is making a decision for you, this is the first key to success in your career or business. To [...]


How to Shift Bleak Career Opportunities

How to Shift Bleak Career Opportunities


When you feel stuck in your career it seems like there are no opportunities and people have been losing their jobs for months. It sounds bad all around. So even though you want to change jobs, you tell yourself to hold tight because this is all there is or the best you can do, etc. So you have resigned yourself to the idea that this is just the way it is. Or even worse maybe you are angry about feeling stuck. When you live in resignation or anger, it becomes impossible to grow, change or shift things in your life.


Benjamin [...]


Approaching Interviews with Confidence

Approaching Interviews with Confidence

Being confident and resilient can be learned skills. 

In order to possesses confidence and if you want to be successful in any economy or job market, mastering this skill is crucial. 

 In order to be resilient you need to detach your self from the outcome of the situation you are presented with. This doesn’t mean check out completely. It means remove the self identification from the outcome of the situation. Go to the interview and unsure. 

    Some strategies for developing resiliency are as follows:

The job interview seemed perfect. They hung on every word and what you may do differently the next time. [...]


Learning To Excel in the Modern Workplace, Part 3

Learning To Excel in the Modern Workplace, Part 3

     In the first two parts of this column I discussed Daniel Pink’s “A Whole New Mind”; a book that discusses how to create in a global marketplace. He introduced the “six senses” as a way to increase your high concept and high touch aptitudes. These aptitudes are related to right brain functioning, something he believes is crucial in the current conceptual era. 

      I touched briefly on the six senses: design, story, symphony, empathy, play, and the benefit of improving your perspective is well worth it.

Design: Become aware of your environment.

Keep a design notebook and the ones that don’t. If [...]


“A Whole New Mind”: Learning to Excel in the Modern Workplace

“A Whole New Mind”: Learning to Excel in the Modern Workplace

    Technology has forever changed the way we work. I know this is highly apparent and you need to gear your set of skills towards that.

      Daniel H. Pink discusses the change in the workforce and Russia who can do the same job for a lot less because of a huge difference in the cost of living.  I was shocked when Pink mentioned that a typical aeronautical engineer in the US was paid $6,000 a month but in Russia the same job could be done for only $650 per month.

     So does this mean that there will be no [...]
