Topic: IBS and Career

Navigating New Beginnings for Better Health

Navigating New Beginnings for Better Health

Happy almost end of summer In the past the end of summer was very sad for me because it felt like an ending. This summer feels very different to me because it’s like a whole new beginning.

As many of you know, the last two years have been quite difficult for me. But they led to great things like a greater focus on health and learning how to use my emotions in ways that can benefit my life in positive ways.

They’ve also led to great people and experiences that may not have happened had my life [...]


IBS Relief: Are You Making Time or Excuses? Part 2

IBS Relief: Are You Making Time or Excuses? Part 2

In my last blog, I shared about how being in pain helped me in creating a flow in how I make time for the things that are important in my life. It meant eliminating many things that were holding me back and adding things that I never thought I would do.


I wanted to follow up by sharing with you some specific ways in which I was able to make the change from making excuses to making time.


At first, you may need to help from friends or family members who can help you in clearing out the clutter [...]


IBS Relief: Are You Making Time or Excuses?

IBS Relief: Are You Making Time or Excuses?

Not having the time is the number one excuse we all use when we aren’t getting the results we want. I won’t argue with the fact that our lives are jammed packed with activity. For many of my clients it’s work, kids, house chores, and the ones who don’t is time management. You can’t delete your job or kids nor can you dissolve your pain immediately, but you can manage your life differently.


I have hated systems and it felt too rigid to me to try to fit my life into such a regimented mold.


However, I’ve seen a shift in [...]


Self-Care and IBS Relief

Self-Care and IBS Relief

We hear often in the self-help world how important self-care is. However, we don’t do it enough and it’s because we don’t know how. I think we have a perception that there’s a right way to do self-care.


I laughed inside when my client thanked me for not telling her to do yoga and forget the fun stuff.


The interesting thing is that self-care is the fun stuff. My definition of self-care is letting yourself do what ever you want to do. If yoga, meditating, or writing endlessly in your journal about your woes is not your thing don’t do it. [...]


Body Language, Superheroes, and IBS

Body Language, Superheroes, and IBS

I just watched the Amy Cuddy, social psychologist and assistant professor at Harvard University, video on body language.


She talked about body language and how it affects our entire lives.


It got me thinking about how body language affects our reaction to discomfort.


She discusses successful people having higher levels of testosterone and success where as low power poses increases our cortisol levels, which is our stress hormone. So staying in a low power poses can in essence increase your stress level, which in turn decreases your sense of confidence.


It got me thinking about, you, my community. How do you hold yourself [...]


The Secret to Feeling Good

The Secret to Feeling Good



It seems that everyone is looking to find something to make them feel good.


This came to mind when I heard how many people are reading 50 Shades of Gray. I’m not against people reading 50 Shades of Gray but it seems like people are looking for something make themselves feel good and take them away from what’s in front of them.


4 Easy Ways to End Pressure and Get IBS Relief

4 Easy Ways to End Pressure and Get IBS Relief

How many times have you heard people say they perform best under pressure?  In our society the idea that applying pressure to a situation will reap the best results is very prevalent. It’s such a part of our psyche that we do it subconsciously. For many of us it’s a part of life, basically second nature.


For most people with IBS when the pressure increases so does the IBS symptoms. For years I put tons of pressure on myself without noticing how intensely it was affecting my digestive problems.


I just thought pressure was a natural part of life.


I’m not here [...]
