Topic: IBS and Relationships

When You Find Yourself Trying to Fix Someone Else’s Anger

When You Find Yourself Trying to Fix Someone Else’s Anger

Do you know that trying to manage other people’s emotions has a damaging effect on your body?

If you find yourself people pleasing and stop allowing other peoples anger have an effect on you.

Your anger is not my problem.

For as long as I can remember I have had a highly attuned sense to people’s emotions. Between family and friends I have been around more than a fair share of angry people. What I didn’t realize is that I was part of the problem.

I tried to fix their anger because it made me uncomfortable. This fixing behavior caused me boat loads of [...]


Turning Panic into Power Free Call

Turning Panic into Power Free Call

I wanted to share with you an email I received recently that made me cry…I received an email from a person who read one of my articles on a website I write for. In the e-mail she was asking for advice about a relationship that she was in. She was experiencing a lot of self sabotage and straight out drama.

When I got to the part where she described herself as a low value woman, it brought tears to my eyes. The biggest thing I know about women is that if they don’t have a high value for themselves, they [...]


Turning Panic Into Power

Turning Panic Into Power

Sometimes it takes the wrong thing to happen for you to understand what you need to do.

In the past my typical response to a glitch in the plan was to panic. I  would worry about what I was going to do now and holding on too close to certainty.

I made some big moves lately, the kind that are life-changing and had a plan of how to ease into a transition, but when I got into the transition things didn’t go as planned. Something happened beyond my control which forced me to make tweeks to what I thought would be a [...]


8 Ways To Tame Your Inner Emotional Control Freak

8 Ways To Tame Your Inner Emotional Control Freak


Are you an emotional control freak? If you said yes, don’t worry you’re not alone.


Here are 8 ways you can tame your inner control freak so you can feel amazing, create a better relationship with yourself, and be attractive to others.


1. Stop being a people pleaser. People pleasing is a sneaky way to control your own emotions. You may be feeling angry at the expectations others are putting on you, but control your anger just by saying yes. When you say no, it may feel awkward at first, but it actually frees you from controlling your emotions and what [...]


Emotional Control Freak

Emotional Control Freak


I am an emotional control freak.


It sounds funny to say but it’s true. It also feels a little scary to say, because by announcing it I am losing some of that control.


I have spent the majority of my life controlling my emotions and/or pretending they don’t even exist.


My preferred method of escape is just to avoid. I’ve had quite a number of traumatic things (as many of us have) happen to me throughout my life and move on.


It’s quite amazing when I recall how many traumatic and felt lots of internal turmoil, which I also ignored.


It’s amazing how a [...]


Why Connection Is Important For IBS Relief

Why Connection Is Important For IBS Relief

Like everyone else who saw the news on Monday afternoon, I was completely shocked at what happened at the Boston Marathon. I felt sadness for the families who lost loved ones. I also found myself feeling anxious and had to rush through the streets that were full of debris from the fallen buildings. We had friends who lost family members that day. At that time we also lived in the area of New Jersey in which the anthrax mail attack happened. I remember clearly being fearful when opening up my mailbox.


I could clearly relate to what people are going [...]


Creating Less IBS Stress and More Fa La La for the Holidays

Creating Less IBS Stress and More Fa La La for the Holidays

Do you find yourself trying really hard to be perfect during the holidays?


Are you pushing yourself to feel jolly to make it a great holiday for family and friends?


If you answered yes to either of those questions take a moment and see how your body really feels about creating the perfect holiday.


Grab pen and spend some time with these questions:


Are your IBS symptoms more severe this time of the year?


Write down what you are thinking anding your body’s response can help you change some patterns that may not be serving you.


Do you find yourself pushing away negative emotions [...]


IBS Thanksgiving Survival Guide: Five Ways to Create a Healthy and Happy Holiday

IBS Thanksgiving Survival Guide: Five Ways to Create a Healthy and Happy Holiday


It’s not easy having IBS during Thanksgiving. Besides the fact that you are inundated with tons of different foods you are also eating in different social situations and can turn the “holiday” into a “hellday”. However, it doesn’t have to be that way,  there are things you can do to enjoy this plentiful time.
If your goal is to experience a happy and successful event.

1) I always eat very slowly. This is something I’ve done unconsciously my entire life but I found in my studies that eating slower actually helps with digestion.

2) I’m also very cautious of the foods I eat. [...]


4 Easy Ways to End Pressure and Get IBS Relief

4 Easy Ways to End Pressure and Get IBS Relief

How many times have you heard people say they perform best under pressure?  In our society the idea that applying pressure to a situation will reap the best results is very prevalent. It’s such a part of our psyche that we do it subconsciously. For many of us it’s a part of life, basically second nature.


For most people with IBS when the pressure increases so does the IBS symptoms. For years I put tons of pressure on myself without noticing how intensely it was affecting my digestive problems.


I just thought pressure was a natural part of life.


I’m not here [...]
