Tagged: Martha Beck

When Your Thoughts Go Wild

When Your Thoughts Go Wild

Here’s just a few thoughts I have heard from my clients this week:

I hate my job and it is ruining my life.

I can’t have any fun unless I am pain free.

I am worthless because I haven’t written a best selling novel.

I can’t be happy unless… insert any situation here.

These thoughts can drive you crazy, if you let them.

I like to call this thoughts gone wild syndrome. It starts with one self-defeating thought and then it turns into mind swirl so huge that you feel depressed in about 5 minutes because you’ve already created a full-blown personal catastrophe. At that [...]


It's an Inside Job

It's an Inside Job

We are a society of quick fixes and that it is a process.

The truth of the matter lies in looking at yourself. That’s the hardest part. Clients will come to me wanting to know what tests they can take to be told exactly what they should do and will save them a lot of time. The problem with that thinking is how you respond to a test may tell you what you are good at, but will never tell you what you really want. The people who have reached high levels of success have done so by following a [...]
