Tagged: energy

The Snooze Alarm Effect

The Snooze Alarm Effect

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a morning person. I’ll always opt for the snooze alarm if possible. After hitting the snooze alarm, what’s next? Clients come to me saying they have no energy because they use it up all day every day at their jobs. When we talk about their day, I find most of them start their days the same. They wake up, rush to get themselves ready, shove down a small amount of food, and head out the door.

I can say from personal experience that the snooze alarm syndrome and day out. We [...]


How to Begin Tackling Organization Overwhelm

How to Begin Tackling Organization Overwhelm

Our environment is a reflection of how we are operating in the world. All we need to do is to look around our environment to realize how overwhelmed we feel. There is always an urgent task that needs to get done and of course the laundry isn’t folded. For some people, that is just the home environment, there are more papers waiting on the desk at work.

I have never been great at organizing, but I could organize things just enough so I could find things when I needed them. But lately, halfway has not been working for me. I really [...]
