Tagged: irritable bowel syndrome

Fixing Your Fa-La-La

Fixing Your Fa-La-La

It is definitely the time of year when we feel like everyone should be fa-la-laing and expect everyone to act accordingly.


Except they don’t.


And if you’re anything like me, you try to fix everything just right so everything feels good.


But you can’t.


That’s the biggest thing I’ve learned about the holidays and robs you of the present moment. It also doesn’t allow you to accept people for exactly what they are.


Way back, probably in your childhood, you learned if you tried really hard you could fix a situation and make everyone feel better. You may remember it [...]


The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude


Whether you are having a challenging day, month or year the quickest and small. And no matter how small it is, it still counts!


My Gratitude List


Big Stuff:


My husband friends.


All of my clients and readers of my blog.


My health.


My home.



Small Stuff:


Morning walks with the dog.


Slipping into bed with a good book.


My husband making dinner.


Finding just the right nail polish color.


Smile from a stranger.


Knowing that the answer may not be in front of me but it’s very close.


Staying in the moment.


Long showers.


Music of any kind.


Dancing with my dog.


Finding an amazing piece of art.


Hot cup of tea.


Super warm blanket.


Eat, Sleep, Read

Eat, Sleep, Read

I was walking around downtown Asheville, NC last week and don’t create the time for such a simple thing.

It’s funny when you think about it, because as a young child that is really what your life consisted of. Don’t you notice that kids have the best imaginations? They are full of fun and engaged in life.


When was the last time you felt that way?

For many of my clients it has been a long time. And even though they are beginning to create a path of change and read. We try so hard to get everything done just right, [...]


Doing It Yourself

Doing It Yourself

I’ve always been a do it your selfer (not sure if that’s even word!). Fiercely independent, and at times stubborn, I always wanted to do things on my own. In the past it was difficult for me to ask for help. I always believed I could do it myself.  Then along my journey I realized that trying to do it alone makes it much more difficult than it needs to be.


A part of me still thinks it’s true that you can do anything yourself, but the other part knows there’s a true power and while we can push through [...]


Making Time

Making Time

Not having the time is the number one excuse we all use when we aren’t getting the results we want. I won’t argue with the fact that our lives are jammed packed with activity. For many of my clients it’s work, kids, house chores, and bed.

The difference between my clients who get what they want and the ones who don’t is time management. You can’t delete your job or time with your kids, but you can manage it differently.

Many of my clients are creative types: they write, paint, dance, and the momentum is there so it becomes a part [...]


Living in Fast Motion

Living in Fast Motion

I’ve been in fast motion my entire life. I wanted everything to happen now and not a second later.

If it happened fast, it was certain. Then I could relax and feel good. (Or so I thought).

I avoided the present moment of uncertainty because it seemed scary. The not knowing created lots of anxiety. So if I could just make it happen I could be in the future where I deemed everything to be okay.

Sounds stressful? Well it was.

Pushing forward in fast motion is never comfortable. And it doesn’t get you the change you really want.

The real kind of soul [...]


Finding Your Something Else

Finding Your Something Else

Next month marks two years since I left my safe, secure, and motivated, which made it all the more difficult because I had nowhere to place the motivation. Leaving me feeling stuck externally, but with the internal adrenaline to push forward like a horse out of the gate.

I think that internal drive is what separated me from my co-workers. I always remained highly professional and put me on the path to my next step.

I realize now the problem I was experiencing in the first several years of my career was my focus was seriously misplaced. I spent a lot [...]


Your Job and Your Dreams

Your Job and Your Dreams

I hear way too many of my clients berating themselves about the career they’ve chosen. It doesn’t seem to matter whether they’re making six figures or that they’re making a huge contribution to someone’s life. All they feel is crappy about it, all the time.

It may sound a little odd at first. Their jobs often fit their need for security, salary, and sick benefits. For some, it even fits the big S need: status. Basically their jobs give them what they “need”, so “why should I be complaining” many of them say.

That’s easy… because they’re not living their dreams.

They [...]


When Surrendering is Not Your Thing

When Surrendering is Not Your Thing

I have a problem with surrendering. From my research I know the biggest step in giving up resistance is to surrender, but I’ve always been a rebel.

I can’t do it.

I’ve never been able to.

I’ve wanted to, but it doesn’t happen.

I fight it.

I think it’s the word. When I hear surrender, I see myself lying down on the ground white flag in hand. Lifeless.

And that doesn’t feel good to me.

When I envision it, it makes my mind and be free.

It makes me want to “make something happen”.

Besides being a “doer”, I am also a pusher.

In the past, I’ve done a [...]
