Tagged: meeting goals

Creating A Healthy Life With IBS

Creating A Healthy Life With IBS

How much time every day do you focus on your IBS?


Are you thinking about it all the time?


I know it’s hard not to, with your stomach acting all kinds of crazy and worrying if you’ll make it through the next meeting for class.


But what we focus on expands.


I know I’m not saying this is all in your mind and your creating yourself.


But I am saying placing your focus somewhere else can help you get through that next hour.


When you begin to worry about your symptoms move your thoughts to another place your body feels good: your pinky or even [...]


Making Time

Making Time

Not having the time is the number one excuse we all use when we aren’t getting the results we want. I won’t argue with the fact that our lives are jammed packed with activity. For many of my clients it’s work, kids, house chores, and bed.

The difference between my clients who get what they want and the ones who don’t is time management. You can’t delete your job or time with your kids, but you can manage it differently.

Many of my clients are creative types: they write, paint, dance, and the momentum is there so it becomes a part [...]
