Eat, Sleep, Read

I was walking around downtown Asheville, NC last week and don’t create the time for such a simple thing.

It’s funny when you think about it, because as a young child that is really what your life consisted of. Don’t you notice that kids have the best imaginations? They are full of fun and engaged in life.


When was the last time you felt that way?

For many of my clients it has been a long time. And even though they are beginning to create a path of change and read. We try so hard to get everything done just right, that we shortchange our bodies in the process.

Our bodies and minds are craving that unscheduled free time, just like kids think recess is the most important time of the day. Many of my clients give themselves so little unscheduled time that their bodies are telling them physically in the form of stomach issues or other physical pain.

Even if you are not feeling it physically, your mind is craving a break. All of that nonstop doing turns your brain to mush. Does the word autopilot resonate with you? It becomes near impossible to focus fully at work, create a new career path, or doing anything that requires a fully engaged mind when you don’t allow yourself that time to refuel.

I am fully aware that you may have a job, kids, and the clarity you are seeking will make an appearance naturally.

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