Tagged: meditation

Are You Too Stubborn to Get Well?

Are You Too Stubborn to Get Well?

I had the pleasure of spending time with some good friends this weekend. They’re great people, generous and popping ibuprofen.


I know what it’s like to be in pain. Besides my IBS pain. I had the misfortune of being injured in both arms. It wasn’t the goes away in a few months type pain, it was the hard to diagnose really impacts your life type of pain. I spent over a year trying to get better only to find myself getting worse. After demanding more than my doctors could give me, I was finally referred to the right doctor who [...]


Seven Ways to Cultivate the Practice of Belief

Seven Ways to Cultivate the Practice of Belief


At the start of the New Year, we often make goals about our career, health, or relationships. Unfortunately by the end of January, too many of us give up on those goals. Not because we’re lazy or we didn’t really want the things, it’s because we don’t believe we can actually have them.


We often blame it on not enough time or discipline, when in reality it’s neither of these things. The truth is we don’t actually believe we can create what we want.


It’s okay not to believe in yourself (at least some of the time).


I know we hear a [...]


How To Get The Answers

How To Get The Answers

Everyone is looking for the answer.


They want to know the best way to get a healthier body, a better mindset, a relationship, or a new job.


They believe the answer is eluding them somehow. They should know it by now.


That’s when I tell them: they do.


It’s in their body. It’s in all our bodies. We all have it in equal measure. It is our inner voice, our intuition, and our inner wisdom. Call it what you like: it’s a part of us that’s always there waiting to be listened to.


When I tell my clients that all they need to do [...]


Trusting the Expert Within

Trusting the Expert Within

When a potential client who is interested in my services approaches me and they immediately start listing all the self-help books they have read; I become very curious. Why?  It reminds me of the phenomena I notice frequently that I have coined the “boob job effect”.

The “boob job effect” is when I hear a woman saying that she has low self-esteem and increasing her breast size will give her better self-esteem. I haven’t been able to pinpoint the logic on that one.

I have nothing against self-help books or boob jobs. I think self-help books are a great resource in [...]
