Tagged: advice

Approaching Interviews with Confidence

Approaching Interviews with Confidence

Being confident and resilient can be learned skills. 

In order to possesses confidence and if you want to be successful in any economy or job market, mastering this skill is crucial. 

 In order to be resilient you need to detach your self from the outcome of the situation you are presented with. This doesn’t mean check out completely. It means remove the self identification from the outcome of the situation. Go to the interview and unsure. 

    Some strategies for developing resiliency are as follows:

The job interview seemed perfect. They hung on every word and what you may do differently the next time. [...]


The Importance of Good Advice

The Importance of Good Advice

     Advice is a tricky thing for most of us, whether we are giving or receiving it. We often seek out advice from others, but its questionable how many of us actually take the advice we are given. I was reminded of how important advice can be while reading the July 6, 2009 issue of Forbes magazine. The issue focused on influential leaders in various professions and careers forever”.

     Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman and use advice to create positive change in their lives.

     Some of the other advice that various industry leaders noted as their best advice include: set realistic goals; [...]


How a Coach Can Assist in Achieving Goals

How a Coach Can Assist in Achieving Goals

     I often hear: “If I am the boss, why would I need a coach?” Even the boss could benefit from a different perspective when creating goals and discusses how to approach the problem”. So it’s not about the coach being on the same playing field as you, it’s about being able to give you perspective you might not have otherwise. It’s about having someone to assist in recognizing different approaches to problems that might not be evident on the surface.

     Coaching can help in a myriad ways and entrepreneurs look at the specific thought process which may contribute to [...]
