Tagged: coach

Simple Success Formula: Give Yourself Permission

Simple Success Formula: Give Yourself Permission

I often get e-mails from readers who want advice on how to get motivated and, it actually does take effort.

 Before you get worried that I am going to give something else to add to your to-do list, take a moment and goals. They are getting in the way of creating the success that you want.

    So what’s the solution? Step out of your own way and give yourself permission. Here’s how:

Allow yourself to take breaks throughout the day. Allow yourself to take a weekend off. Do these things without the guilt of feeling like you have to put every second [...]


How a Coach Can Assist in Achieving Goals

How a Coach Can Assist in Achieving Goals

     I often hear: “If I am the boss, why would I need a coach?” Even the boss could benefit from a different perspective when creating goals and discusses how to approach the problem”. So it’s not about the coach being on the same playing field as you, it’s about being able to give you perspective you might not have otherwise. It’s about having someone to assist in recognizing different approaches to problems that might not be evident on the surface.

     Coaching can help in a myriad ways and entrepreneurs look at the specific thought process which may contribute to [...]
