The Key To Success: Defining Your Strengths

In the last blog I discussed that finding your essential self and building a better life. Some of you may be still trying to figure out how this fits into the big picture. For others it may seem like a daunting task. But the truth is, it’s easy to find yourself.

Marcus Buckingham, the author of Go Put Your Strengths To Work, helps individuals identify their strengths. He then helps them create lives and found an interesting story. A middle school teacher contacted Marcus about using some of his strength-building techniques with his students. Marcus was not sure of how his adult-focused program would work with kids.

The kids not only got it but within a year the students had found their own strengths and the strength that comes from that identity. 

So have you identified your strengths and weaknesses?

Make a list of what you believe to be your strengths and these weaknesses everyday. Then create a mission statement for each that explains how they are working for you. 

Now, focus on how your strengths are being used in your daily life. How much do you use them in relation to your weaknesses? On a daily basis build on each strength and how they may be holding you back. Make small steps, not leaps to overcome them, or use them differently in your life. Concentrate all of your energy on what you have going for you: your strengths. 

The most important step in planning your career and with that confidence there are no barriers. Road blocks become possibilities. Ideas become reality.

Do you have a clear idea of how to use your strengths? If you answered yes, keep reading my blog each week for more ideas. If not, keep reading my blog, you will find many ways to uncover your strengths and life journey.

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