Career Ideas for the New Year

  It’s the beginning of another New Year. Some people may find themselves looking forward to meeting the challenges of the New Year and examine some of the career ideas you have toyed with over the years. 

     If you are like me, you may have tons of ideas going through your mind constantly about new projects or endeavors. Part of your challenge for this year will be to learn how to calm the clutter of ideas in your mind and learn to focus on the ideas that are truly the best fit for your individual life plan. If your problem has been a lack of ideas, I have some great ways to spark your mind with ideas that will move you forward. 

     For the idea people, here are some ways to examine what idea or ideas out of the hundreds that are constantly percolating in your mind are the best to pursue.

  • GET QUIET In order to hear your best idea most clearly, you have to calm your mind. Try sitting quietly for a few moments a day and more clarity in the ideas that do appear.
  • GET ACTIVE It sounds counterintuitive at first, but stepping away from a crowded desk with tons of ideas screaming at you is the best way you can sort out your ideas. Take a walk, jog or ride your bike. When the body is in motion you may find some of your best ideas are forming in your mind. Have a recorder with you to record any ideas that arise. The i-phone has a voice memo program that is perfect for this.
  • GET AQUAINTED WITH INSTINCT Many of my clients are not sure what ideas are right for them and a list of all the things you hate doing to accomplish it, it probably isn’t for you. You may feel a little fear even if it is a good idea. Always trust your gut, it knows the good ideas.

     For the people who would like to make career changes but don’t know what to do, here are some ways to get in touch with your ideas.

  • GET A NEW PERSPECTIVE Start going into the world with the intention of noticing everything around you. Visit new parks and museums. Join clubs that you have never been a part of before. Notice the things that inspire you or just getting you thinking about things in a different way.
  • GET ACQUATINED WITH YOUR YOUNG SELF Go back in time and are currently jobless, is there anything you can offer a service using those skills?
  • Use the GET ACQUIANTED WITH INSTINCT section to determine if your present activities inspire or drain you

      Before jumping in on making New Year Resolution’s to solve your current career dilemma, take time to explore the ideas that are present with in you. The best way to achieve a goal is to be clear on what you are trying to achieve.


Laura Tirello is a Career and personal lives. Are you looking for ways to turn your ideas into goals for 2010? I am offering a free teleclass on “The Idea Web: Choosing the Right Ideas for Your Success”. Email Laura at  to sign up or visit  for more information

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