IBS Relief: What to Do When You’re Waiting


At some point in your life, you’ll need to wait for something. Whether it is moving on to the next job or being healthier, chances are it won’t happen right away.

What you decide to do with the time and waiting makes all the difference.

There were times I wanted to be perfectly healed and I wanted it to happen now. I learned that instead of focusing on what I need to happen, accepting where I was at was way more pleasurable then forcing something to happen in a time frame. It actually made my healing feel like less of a burden, which my body really liked.

There are other things I’m waiting for, like my new website to be finished. I’ve been working on the design and it feels like new things that are blossoming in my business are forced to wait in the wings. Oh, did I say forced? That’s my clue that I am way too focused on the waiting.

So what can you do when you’re waiting for that “new thing” to happen?

Whether you’re waiting to feel better or life to bring you something new, here are some things you can do in the meantime:

1) Focus on something you really enjoy. Make sure it’s not something that requires waiting and that you don’t obsess about doing it perfectly, just something that’s plain old fun.

2) Create a goal that relates to what you want, but is not about getting the complete outcome at once. Find one easy step that you can add to your daily routine that will get you closer to what you want without making you feel that it’s too hard or will take too long. If you’re trying to eliminate something from your diet because you believe it will help your digestion, try eliminating it in small pieces at first and move towards total elimination. This way you can see what your body really needs without torturing yourself with thoughts about trying to overhaul your whole diet at once.

3) Make more time to connect with others. It’s amazing what you can gain from connecting with others. Not only will you stop focusing on what you’re waiting for, you may learn lots of things that can help you on your journey.

When you stop making  “waiting” the enemy and are able to open yourself to the relaxation that can help you to succeed.

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